ECCSR English

The Ecumenical Council of Churches in Slovakia (ECCSR) is an association of Christian churches registered in the Slovak Republic.

Membership churches

Regular members
Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession
Reformed Christian Church
Orthodox Church
Brethren Union of Baptists
Brethren Church
Evangelical Methodist Church
Czechoslovak Husite Church

Associate members
Old Catholic Church
Apostolic Church
Church of Seventh Day Adventists
Central Union of Jewish Religious Communities in the Slovak Republic

Roman-Catholic Church + Greek-Catholic Church

The term ecumenism comes from the Greek origin oikosa house. It marks inhabited land. Since the beginning of the 20th century the term ecumenism marks the movement, which endeavours to cooperate and draw together the Christian churches in the world.

The Aims of ECCSR: The basic aim is searching for and common celebrating of the visible marks of the unity of churches. Every year we celebrate the Ecumenical worship in the setting of the Week of Prayers for the Christian Unity.

The relationships between churches in Slovakia are to a great extent determined by the ratio of number of members of detached confessions: the Roman-Catholic Church represents about 70 per cent, ECAC 7%, the Reformed Christian Church 3%, the Orthodox Church 2%, the other churches under 1% of members of the total number of citizens of Slovak Republic – according to the population census in year 2001. The determinant is the geographical position of Slovakia, through which is drawn the border between the western and eastern Christian tradition. In this situation ECCSR tries to build and improve the mutual relationships.

The relationship between churches and the state In 1994, during the preparing of inter-state contract of Slovak Republic and Vatican have been profiled the thought that ECCSR has to represent, similarly as the Conference of Bishops of Slovakia, churches in the relationship with the state, be the partner for the state authorities. The law no. 308 novelized on 31.10. 2000 guarantees the churches the same position in front of the law they can associate and conclude contracts with the state.

In consequence of this, the churches associated in ECCSR have proceeded together, with the possibility to invite the churches, which are not members of ECCSR, as well. The result of this effort was the solemn signature of the contract between the state and the churches on 11. 4. 2002. The contract stands on the level of the law, it has been edited in the collection of laws of SR, and it is signed by the three highest constitutional agents of SR, the president, the chairman of National Council of SR, and the Prime Minister. It has created a firm law base for the position of churches in society and became one of the other visible features of the unity of churches in Slovakia

Basic mission of ECCSR is:

  • to overcome differences and strengthen unity among churches;
  • to improve their mutual cooperation; to support democracy in countries;
  • to assist people in need.  providing educational program for members
  • promoting projects and programs of ECCSR member churches in the area of their own activities;
  • development and humanitarian cooperation;

The Ecumenical pastoral service in the army, police and prisons – One of the first fields, where churches associated in ECCSR have connected their forces to service, is their common engagement in the resorts of Defence, the Interior and Justice. In the head of this service there is a General Spiritual, who has at his disposal regular clergymen of the lines of member churches of ECCSR in various levels of commands. The ECCSR is responsible for the staffing of the positions created by the state, for the work conditions and the work of individual clergymen.

Ecumenism in the World – Reporting News Radio Regina – every Thursday at 21:50-22:00.

Study Centre for New Religiosity and Sects (CSS) – the main tasks are: to monitor teachings and practices of individual religious groups and sects; to build up the archive of the specialized literature archive, video and audio-documents; to organize specialized lectures, discussions, seminars and conferences; to inform public by means of publishing the professional articles in periodical ROZMER and web site; to cooperate with home and foreign centres, editorial offices.

Volunteer Service Program DOBRO – activities of the program, which was established in 2004 are focusing on exchanging of volunteers. ECCSR is a member of Ecumenical Diaconal Year Network /EDYN/ and with its established partners, other members of EDYN cooperating closely in hosting and sending a long-term voluntary service volunteer.
In the General Declaration of the Service of Volunteer, accepted by the International Association for the voluntary effort it is stated: The service of volunteer *is established on personal motivation and decision * it is a mode of support of the active citizen participation and interest for the development of the community
*it has a form of a group activity, exercised mostly within a certain organisation
*it upgrades human potential and the quality of every day life, strengthens human solidarity
*it provides the answers for the challenges of our epoch and tries to give a contribution to creating more peaceful world
*it contributes to the liveliness of the economic life, as well as to creating of job opportunities and new professions

The program had an accreditation for sending and hosting in Youth in Action Programme, European voluntary service (EVS) volunteers and cooperated with some NO as a coordinating and hosting organisation.

Working committees (social, youth, women) – Work Commissions are initiative and counselling organs of ECCSR. They meet according to needs and they consist of the church representatives and specialized Christian organizations


Ecumenical Council of Churches
Palisády 48, Bratislava 811 06
Tel.: +4212 5443 3238

All the other addresses and actual information you find at